Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Being A Manager

Being a Manager:

A manager works toward a vision or dream
Taking charge and working as a team
Sometimes pushing workers to the absolute extreme

A manager must be in control
Sometimes may have to find a loophole
Set forth and organize a plan
And get what they demand

Managers have to allocate tasks
Employees must do exactly what is asked

It is important for a manager to be in command.
And sometimes they are forced to reprimand

Though some managers may have a different style,
The most important thing is to lead employees with a smile


  1. Very nice rhyming scheme. I like how you incorporated a lot of the vocabulary

  2. Great poem Ashley. I like how you were able to use some of the concepts and rhyme with it. Somwhat catchy as well.

  3. This poem is very interesting. It has all the right components of being a true poetry. You elaborate on a lot of things here. Just by reading your poem, I get a sense of what a managers task really is.. Keep up the good work.
